Trujillo, Honduras

Trujillo is a new cruise tender port opened in October 2014 to relieve the pressure on the nearby island of Roatan. We are actually the second cruise arriving Trujillo.  The town still keep its local norm. Enjoy local vibe as early as possible before up-coming vast cruisers change local culture.When we arrive town center, the cruise arrival seems a big day to locals. Schools closes. High school marching band plays along the street. Transitional culture dance performs on town square. Temporary booths crowd town center. Local people poke around and watch our cruise tendering in the bay. Even a police office comes to take a photo with our kids. Suddenly I get a funny feeling. Not only cruiser  are touring locals, the locals are also touring the new-coming tourists. The hype are both ways. Trujillo is the first place that Columbus first made landfall in 1502. It is a small town and easy to walk around.

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A catholic sister also raises fund from a church booth

A catholic sister also raises fund from a church booth

Culture dance

Culture dance

High school marching band

High school marching band

The police office says welcome

Police office says welcome

My tradition - local beer

My tradition – local beer

Play water with a new friend

Play water with a new friend

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