Tag: summary

A 8 day trip in Arizona, we flew into Flagstaff and out from Tucson. Trip Highlights 1 states: Arizona 3 National Parks: Petrified Forest National Park Grand Canyon National Park Saguaro National Park 7 National Monument: Sunset Crater Volcano National Monument Wupaki National Monument Walnut Canyon National Monument Tuzigoot National Monument Montezuma Castle National Monument […]
This is a 10-Day NCL cruise porting Italy, Greece, and Malta. The pros about this itinerary is only one sea day. The cons are less popular Messina port of call at Sicily (Italy) and afternoon port time at Mykonos (Greece) and Valletta (Malta). In November, Mediterranean water is cold and no good for water activities. Sky […]
Baltic Sea is generally calm in our feeling, perhaps due to cruise huge size, when we are on NCL Getaway in early September. However, top deck with outdoor facilities are so windy that you my be blown away. The wave condition at Stockholm does cancel our port of call and we found the other report of […]
This 10-day tour is a grand one way itinerary covering Yellowstone National Park, Grand Teton National Park, Glacier National Park, and Waterton Lakes National Park. Yellowstone and Grand Teton are sibling national parks that you definitely plan in one trip. Glacier and Waterton Lakes  make another pair. If you have more time to travel, you […]
South Utah has so many great national parks, national lands, and state parks. Tour companies offer a grand circle tour package covering Zion National Park, Bryce Canyon National Park, Capitol Reef National Park, Arches National Park, Canyonlands National Park, and Grand Canyon National park in 10 days or shorter. However, those trip only drive through […]
蘇門答臘停留了六日,主要景點包含Medan, Tangkahan, Bukit Lawang, Berastagi, Lake Toba (Parapat, Samosir).因為區域很廣,車程相對花了許多時間.我們是自行規劃行程,然後交給當地旅行社把食住行搞定,雖然喪失了一些彈性但也避免了一些風險,畢竟在蘇門答臘旅行不比印尼其他觀光地區,比較remote遊客少,自助雖是可行,but mind your own risk. Click here to view a picture of this trip– link will open a new tab on picaboo site.
此印尼16日行是2016年七月底到八月初的行程,走訪蘇門答臘(Sumatra) 棉蘭(Medan) 雅加達(Jakarta) 萬隆(Bandung) 峇厘(Bali), 適合老年人、小孩、家庭各年齡層組合。景點進出容易,適合各種腿力,行動不便者。印尼雖位於熱帶區赤道橫貫,但氣候宜人.雅加達(Jakarta)和棉蘭(Medan)市區雖稍熱,但仍相對比台北高雄涼爽,峇厘(Bali)更是不分城市郊區的舒服.我們第一天坐廉航Air Asia午夜班次飛Medan,在馬來西亞轉機只有四個小時,到達Medan是一大早,比起其他航空公司,時間利用很有效率。6天在Sumatra,第6天搭下午飛機飛 Jakarta 又5天,第12天搭清晨的飛機去Bali再5天,回程搭華航直飛.
This Hawaii trip is my second visit and my first has been 14 years ago fresh out from school. First time to Hawaii, I was only able to tour Oahu.  As a typical backpacker, my first Hawaii trip was all around taking buses, riding bikes, eating fast food, and cramping into a studio apartment with others. […]
Summary: 我們的行程是四月底兩星期, 地中海氣候溫和,可能我們運氣較好,16天行程只有兩天下雨, 但還是需預備擋風夾克以免溫差大。這行程主要是義大利(Italy/Italia)景點,順帶遊了蒙特內哥羅(Montenegro) Kotor,和 克羅埃西亞(Croatia) Zadar。
This is a 7-Day NCL cruise from Houston with port of calls: Cozumel(Mexico), Belize City(Belize) and Trujillo (Honduras). In November, West Caribbean temperature isn’t hot nor cold and weather is in a sweet spot for water activities.