Tag: cruise

Among whole Oahu, east side is richest in outdoor attractions and outdoor activities. Oahu great lookouts, great hikes, great beaches are all here.  Hanauma Bay is the crown jewel among all Oahu. Makapu’u Point light house, Lanikai Beach (+ Pillbox Hike), Byodo-in Temple and Nu‘uanu Pali Lookout all worth a visit. The name Hanauma comes from […]
When talking about Oahu, people think about Waikiki first. In the south, there are more to explore including Pearl Harbor, Diamond Head, and hidden-gem Kahala Mandarin. Granted, Waikiki has distinctive mojo. During my first visit in 1999, I spent a lot of time around Waikiki, either swimming from one section to the other or surfing with […]
West Oahu has popular resorts like Disney Aulani in Ko Olina resort area. Also cities on west Oahu are on fast expansion too. However, only Highway 1 connects to Honolulu. East-bound traffic to Honolulu is terrible during morning peak hours, Avoid hours before 9:00 AM when driving to that direction. If you are going North […]
Disney Aulani locates on Ko Olina Resort area of Ewa Plain in the very west end Oahu. Although a secluded retreat heaven, west Oahu used to be a barren place without much business activities. In the last decade, a lot of new developments pop up around Kapolei not far from Ewa Plain, both residential and […]
This Hawaii trip is my second visit and my first has been 14 years ago fresh out from school. First time to Hawaii, I was only able to tour Oahu.  As a typical backpacker, my first Hawaii trip was all around taking buses, riding bikes, eating fast food, and cramping into a studio apartment with others. […]
我們的最後一天郵輪回Venice,清晨時郵輪緩緩的駛進,划過St. Mark’s Square,進入西岸的港口,沿途欣賞寧靜的Venice,跟白天的Venice是大大的不同。   下船後我們回St. Mark’s Square,恰巧碰到一年一度的San Marco Day,城裡掛滿了旗幟,四處都有活動和競賽,我們慢慢走路逛回Piazzale Roma車站,體驗威尼斯小街裡的各式商店跟擁擠的人潮。旅程就在這車站畫下一個完美的句點。
郵輪到Zadar,可惜沒法停靠城內的港口,因為船位跟交通的壅擠,Zadar在城外約20分鐘車程處新建了一個港口,2015剛啟用,沒法步行進城內是美中不足之處。我們今天還是戶外行程為主,所以去了國家公園。克羅埃西亞有許多著名的國家公園,Zadar鄰近Krka, Kornai, 和Paklenica,我們選擇Krka。先搭船進去,步行非常容易,遊覽車再從另一頭接我們,很輕鬆。
Day 14: cruising into Adriatic Sea Day 15: 郵輪今天抵達Montenegro的Kotor,一早約6:00開始進入陸地上升後的類峽灣地形,是第一個賣點。Kotor位於峽灣底,四周高山環抱,舊城倚山而建,是第二賣點。從Kotor到Lovcen National Park的路途險峻風景雄偉,是第三大賣點。這種好地方絕對不可以錯過。舊城內部古色古香,隨意逛逛購物也很有趣,如果有時間跟腳力,可挑戰一千多階的城牆步道,沿山壁而上,到頂有美景獎賞。
Summary: 我們的行程是四月底兩星期, 地中海氣候溫和,可能我們運氣較好,16天行程只有兩天下雨, 但還是需預備擋風夾克以免溫差大。這行程主要是義大利(Italy/Italia)景點,順帶遊了蒙特內哥羅(Montenegro) Kotor,和 克羅埃西亞(Croatia) Zadar。
Trujillo is a new cruise tender port opened in October 2014 to relieve the pressure on the nearby island of Roatan. We are actually the second cruise arriving Trujillo.  The town still keep its local norm. Enjoy local vibe as early as possible before up-coming vast cruisers change local culture.