Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah

Bryce Canyon National Park worth at least two night stays with little kids or elders. Two full days barely allow you enough time on popular trails and lookouts along scenic byway 63. You can also have better chance for stargazing through ranger-led astronomy program when staying longer. Many trails inside canyon are pretty enjoyable and morning views are the prettiest.

Travel Tips

  • temperature rises fast after sunrise and drop fast after sunset.
  • most popular trails have few staircases and paths are rather walkable for all ages.
  • Navajo Trail switchbacks at Wall Street section might be strenuous for bad knee.
  • canyon side in the morning is much prettier when sun can light up to the bottom with no shadow.

Day 1

We arrived Bryce Canyon National Park late around 05:30 PM. After dinner in our hotel, we drove into the park for Sunrise Point night view and attended Astronomy Program. Unfortunately sky was cloudy that night and Bryce Amphitheater was purely dark. There was nothing we can spot on except chilly wind. However, I did see flashlights under canyon and some people were walking down. Camping over night under Canyon?!

Queen's Garden

Queen’s Garden Trail

Queen's Garden

Queen’s Garden Trail

Day 2

Wall Street from Bottom

Wall Street from Bottom

In the morning, we hiked Queen’s Garden Trail from Sunrise Point. When we arrived Sunrise Point around 08:30 AM, weather was still misty and cold.  But soon after sunshine covered canyon, the area became so warm that we had to strip out jackets. The end of Queen’s Garden Trail will continue Navajo Trail loop.  Both Left and right turns get you back to Sunset Point and both trails are rather easy. Only Wall Street section needs a steep climbing. We walked left for Wall Street. If you have bad knee or have heart problem, take a break along the way. We saw an old woman faint behind us during ascending on Wall Street.

Wall Street from Top

Wall Street from Top

After morning hiking, we had a simple lunch in the car while driving on scenic byway 63. Most view points along the way are on canyon side. So we head straight to the south tip Rainbow Point first. On the way back, views points are on right hand side which we can easily stop by. The scenic drive took us about 2.5 hours and left us merely enough time for one more hike.

Natural Bridge

Natural Bridge


We stopped by Bryce Point close to 3:00 PM and decided to walk down the trail. Timing wasn’t ideal but were doable to watch amphitheater from beneath.  In our 2 hours hiking down on Bryce Point Trail, sun gradually went down west and the shadow covered amphitheater larger. When we reached the junction to Peek-A-Boo Loop Trail, place there had no sun all around and amphitheater looked gloomier. We drained time and had to turn back for safety. After hiking whole day, kids already reach their limitation. This hike is the last straw on the camel. When we stopped by Inspiration Point, they only wanted to rest in the car. So it is better to spread out hikes in many days in the morning to walk comfortable with best view.

Bryce Point Trail

Bryce Point Trail

Bryce Point View

Bryce Point View

Day 3

It is time to say goodbye. Before continue east, we stop by Mossy Cave. This is very short trail, beautiful, but not amazing. I would recommend this only when you have extra time.


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