Hawaii 12 Day Island Hopping – Maui

Maui is the second-largest of the Hawaiian islands featuring countless beautiful beaches and attractions. My top choices are Haleakala National Park and Molokini crater. Molokini is an uninhabited islet great for snorkeling and scuba diving but needs a boat ride. We didn’t go considering kids’ and seniors’ conditions. The next in line is Road to Hana and we didn’t go either for same reasons. Don’t feel discouraged yet. We go places with short drive distance such as Lahaina (West Maui) and The Needle at Iao Valley. South Maui around Wailea-Makena area is also great place to go. Maui has many places fit to everyone. I will definitely go back another day to mark my foot prints on missing attractions. Haleakala National Park is famous for its sunrise and deserves its own article. Read more from Haleakala National Park link.

Nice drive on west Maui

Nice drive on west Maui

We circle around west Maui and make stops at Lahaina and Black Rock near Sheraton Resort. Lahaina banyan tree is main reason tourists go. This banyan tree is huge that it has rooted into 16 major trunks from the main trunk and cover about 0.66 acres. Main street walk in front of the tree is also relaxing with many shops to poke around.

Lahaina banyan tree

Lahaina banyan tree


Kaanapali Beach

Whale Skeleton

Whale Skeleton

West Maui has many resorts just like south Maui does. Wailea Beach makes south Maui resorts well-known; what makes west Maui resorts popular is black rock diving. We park at Whalers Village shopping center (which exhibits a whale skeleton) not far from Sheraton Resort and walk from Kaanapali Beach to Black Rock Beach. Currents at Kaanapali Beach is kind of strong. Better play water at Black Rock Beach. You also will see many people jump out Black Rock. If you stay late until sunset, enjoy the nightly ritual of Lele Kawa (cliff diving). Before leaving shopping center, buy some grocery. Your spending at shopping center can redeem parking fee.

The Needle at Iao Valley isn’t far from Kahului harbor. The Needle is any easy walk but with couple stairs up at the end of trail. It isn’t that special in terms of scene. You can plan it as an add-on when time allows.

The Needle at the left side

The Needle at the left side

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