Category: Spain

Toldedo is a UNESCO world heritage site. We’ve visited Toledo twice, first time was in 2011 and second time in 2019 Toledo Old Town First time visit in 2011 This blog post is in Chinese. Second time visit in 2019 Since this is our second time visit, it was more searching for sites we remembered. […]
Trujillo Castle The castle is in the highest part of Trujillo. You can climb up the wall and walk around the wall for a great view of Trujillo city below. For Game of Thrones fans, some scene of Casterly Rock may look familiar as it was one of location of some scenes. The castle can […]
Caceres is a UNESCO world heritage site. The walled old town is very nice to walk around either day or night. Cáceres Plaza Mayor Square On the left side of the square is the old town and on the right hand side is modern shops and restaurants. Our hotel was right next to the square. […]
Castile and Leon Region in Northern Spain. Cities we visited Segovia Avlia Wall of Avila The ancient fortified Avila is a UNESCO World Heritage site. For an small entrance fee (5 Euro when we visited) you can go up and walk sections of the wall. Mirador de los Cuatro Postes (Viewpoint of the Four Posts) […]
Alcazar de Segovia Alcazar de segovia, some say the Disney’s castle in CA was inspired by this. There are two types of entrance ticket, one general access and one with tower access. The tower is 152 steps climb up the Tower of John II (a world heritage site). Aqueduct de Segovia Aqueduct de Segovia is […]
Trip Highlight 2 countries: Spain, Portugal Region/Cities: Castile and León, Spain Segovia Avila Salamanca Porto Central Portugal Coimbra Tomar Fatima Batalha Alcobaca Obidos Sintra Lisbon Evora Caceres Trujillo Toledo Madrid We only flew in/out of Madrid this time and did not visit the town, the link above is from our first visit in 2011. Click […]
Note: 2017 Feb 寫這2011 April 的遊記 Barcelona 是1992年夏季奧林匹克的舉辦城市,市容也因奧林匹克有重大的改變,將Barcelona從一個中等班的歐洲都市打造成頂尖的觀光商業中心,是奧林匹克可大幅改善都市競爭力的成功典範(雖然超出預算甚多)。
Note: 2017 Feb 寫這2011 April 的遊記 Montserrat 修道院,全名Santa Maria de Montserrat,座落在Montserrat山上,在Barcelona 以西48公里處,搭火車約一小時可到。修道院沿著險峻山壁而建,除了修道院壯觀的地理環境吸引遊客,修道院中的黑面聖母(Black Madonna)更是外來旅客和當地居民前來的主要目的。關於黑面聖母的傳奇故事跟修道院歷史我已經記不得了(遊記還真得趁新鮮寫),想去的朋友可參考官網。
Note: 2017 Feb 寫這2011 April 的遊記 從Seville(賽維亞)飛往Barcelona(巴塞隆納)只要一個小時,Barcelona機場到市中心不遠,公車地鐵計程車都非常方便,我們應該是搭地鐵進城。Barcelona是一個很國際化的都市,現代都市繁華中帶著古老文化的悠閒,城市內有不錯的人文風景,往郊區兩小時車程內有許多不錯的景點,同時也是郵輪大站,有許多航線可選擇,是我很喜歡也願意再回去一次的都市,我們待了三天半還意猶未盡。
Note: 2017 Feb 寫這2011 April 的遊記 Seville 是Andalusia(安達魯西亞)的的行政中心,以flamenco dancing(佛朗明哥舞), Alcázar of Seville (賽維亞皇宮),Seville Cathedral ( 塞維亞聖母主教座堂),General Archive of the Indies (西印度群島檔案舘) 三個UNESCO文化遺產聞名,我覺得Plaza de España也不錯。我們前一晚一到,就先欣賞一場佛朗明哥舞。