Category: Italy

Naples, also called Napoli in Italian, is the birth place of famous Neapolitan Pizza. It servers a great base for one-day trips to Capri, Herculaneum, Pompeii, Sorrento, or other destinations along Amalfi Coast.
Messina is located near northeast corner of Sicily at the Strait of Messina. It is a popular cruise port in Sicily to serve nearby tourism of Taormina, Mt. Etna, Tindari and Savoca.
Rome is a huge cruise stop in Mediterranean route. It has many things to offer in the city and day trips. Roman Ruins and Vatican are top two things to do there. Continue reading below for more local tips.
This is a 10-Day NCL cruise porting Italy, Greece, and Malta. The pros about this itinerary is only one sea day. The cons are less popular Messina port of call at Sicily (Italy) and afternoon port time at Mykonos (Greece) and Valletta (Malta). In November, Mediterranean water is cold and no good for water activities. Sky […]
我們的最後一天郵輪回Venice,清晨時郵輪緩緩的駛進,划過St. Mark’s Square,進入西岸的港口,沿途欣賞寧靜的Venice,跟白天的Venice是大大的不同。   下船後我們回St. Mark’s Square,恰巧碰到一年一度的San Marco Day,城裡掛滿了旗幟,四處都有活動和競賽,我們慢慢走路逛回Piazzale Roma車站,體驗威尼斯小街裡的各式商店跟擁擠的人潮。旅程就在這車站畫下一個完美的句點。
接下來7天都是郵輪的行程,從羅馬(Rome/Roma)上威尼斯(Venice/Venezia)下,停Naples, 西西里(Sicily)島Messina,蒙特內哥羅(Montenegro) Kotor, 克羅埃西亞(Croatia) Zadar。
Day 7: 羅馬(Rome/Roma)區域大,行走時須妥善規劃路線,搭配地鐵、公車、sightseeing bus,才能減少走路的機會。還需要有罷工時的備案,我們只停三天就撞上一天,還好Omnia bus還有開。或許你會問Omnia Pass是否值得? 有好處也有壞處,我個人看法是如果有包含Vatican garden 或許還值得,如果不含我會想分開購買Vatican博物館的票跟Roma Pass,
Day 6: 整個早上都是在Uffuzi博物館度過,這個博物館人龍真的長,還是網路上預購票比較保險。Uffuzi跟Palazzo Vecchio就隔個街而已,附近有一家知名的gelato店,Gelateria Dei Neri,當然不能放過它。
Day 5: 今天主要行程是比薩斜塔(leaning tower)。一早一行人就到Mercato Centrale 1F 中央市場一樓去吃老店Nerbone的牛肚包,是很有特色 (但我覺得自己在家裡應該也煮得出來),牛肚軟嫩適合牙口不好的人。老人們倒是挺捧場的,說牛肉有一種他們年代裡吃還有的騷味,我是不懂什麼騷味,他們有爽就好。