Category: Canada

除了冬季嘉年華,冬天的魁北克市還有許多值得參觀地方.第一個當然就是Old Quebec。Old Quebec是個充滿法國風情的古城,有著許多有趣的地方,大冷天的我們只去Château Frontenac和Quartier Petit-Champlain.
我們的行程是2/11~2/15 2016,就只參加冬季嘉年華會最後一周,這是全世界最大的冬季嘉年華會,也是全世界第三大嘉年華會僅次於巴西里約(Rio)和美國新紐奧良(New Orleans)。
Mont-Tremblant Ski Resort, set on the shores of Lake Tremblant, is a famous ski resort near Montreal. We took on the resort’s two-night stay promotion during foliage season. Besides of colorful leaves, with many facilities to play and unlimited lift rides to the top of mountains, kids also enjoy very much. Nearby Mont-Tremblant National Park is […]
Skagway, a yesteryear Gold Rush town, is today a place for travelers in search of other riches – to experience along Skagway’s charming boardwalk lined with buildings that replicate those Gold Rush days.