Cape Cod National Seashore


Check tidal schedule and visit the inner bay during low tides, you can walk our for miles in the bay. A good tip is to take a picture of where you started and remember some landmarks, so you won’t get lost or end up miles away where you parked.

Seal Watching – check with ranger where and best times to see Seal swim along the coast. Coast Guard Beach in Eastham, Nauset Beach in Orleans and Ballston Beach in Truro for seal sightings. We were told between Head of Meadow Beach and High Head beach in Truro there’s a section of island during low tide where there will be hundreds of seals. However, we were not able to make it out there during low tide. We did see a lot of seal just swimming by when we were at Coast Guard Beach the next morning.

We spent 2 full days in Cape Cod National Seashore and were able to see most of the sites. It was end of September so the ocean was a bit too cold to swim in.

Things to do

Province Lands Visitor Center

Race Point Beach

Race Point Lighthouse

We took a hike out to Race Point Lighthouse via the Hatches Habor Trail, you can walk all the way to the lighthouse when the tide is low, there are several tidal pool on the way. The sand is more difficult to walk on and can get hot in the sun. To drive to the lighthouse oversand road vehicle and permit is required.


Sand Dunes

There are lots of sand dunes, we just picked a little one on our way to the beach.

High head Beach

Coastguard Beach

Lots of Seal swimming by

Nauset Lighthouse

The famous Cape Cod lighthouse (Nauset Lighthouse) that’s on the Cape Code Chip. When we were there we only had Lays so a wrong commercial going on in the picture. Later we did stop by a store and bought a bag of Cape Cod chips.

Three Sisters Lighthouse

Salt Pond Trail

Red Maple Swamp Trail

Rock Harbor Beach (low tide)

Tidal pool during low tide, it’s fun to walk all the way out into the bay and look for animals/shells. We found a lot of Razor Shells.

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